Ron & Lisa Bailey


Ron and Lisa have been married for 34 years. They have raise four beautiful children, Amanda, Kody, Ben, and Patrick.  They are all grown now and have spouses and families of their own, giving them seven grandchildren ranging from the ages of 2 thru 20.  They are the joy of their lives.  With that, they wanted to leave a legacy for them all.  So Ron and Lisa decided to build FMB Land & Cattle to build a herd of beautiful Texas Longhorns.  (FMB comes from a family, Flint, Moore, Bailey.)  Ron and Lisa want to build a herd that is a quality herd that displays the beauty of the natural Texas Longhorn with the beautiful color combinations, the body structure, as well as the well known horn development. This herd will become a legacy to pass on to their children and their children.